Monday, September 29, 2008

Funny Before & After Photos

My wife was digging through old boxes today, trying to decide what stays in storage and what goes to Paris with us. Somewhere she came across a few photos of me from my Marine days. I thought it would be fun to do a little Nutra-Systems before & after comparison.

This is me, circa October 1990. Note, in addition to the cheesy 70's porn mustache, the noticeable lack of padding in the midsection. Note also the lovely accommodations we enjoyed while guests of the Saudi king.

Flash forward to my son's fifth birthday last month. Note the irony of the O'Douls resting on the beer gut - all the calories, none of the buzz.

Note also the fat guy lounging in the far left of the photo. Yup, that's Randy.

This is going to be a really long walk.

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