Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Carrot or Stick?

Our society seems to teach us to study hard, get good grades, a good job and retire at 65 years of age...then start having fun. Get rich and retire. But what is rich? Ask a dozen friends and you’ll get a dozen different answers based on their current financial situation. Why not figure out what you want your retirement to look like, determine how much money you’ll need for that lifestyle, and live it now! Some people need a carrot, some the stick. So if you don’t know what you want, at least be specific about what you don’t want, and do whatever’s left over.

Planning for this Pilgrimage is helping me to reassess a lot of decisions I’ve made in my life. Why wait until I’m 65 to start these adventures? Why wait past today? I'm going to do three things today to get me closer to this pilgrimage.

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